At the end of 2018, let me share you all files of my publications that were out this year. Here they are, feel free to download, share, and re-share.
p.s. publications from previous years are available to download from here.
Lim, M. (2019). Disciplining Dissent:Freedom, Control, and Digital Activism in Southeast Asia, in R. Padawangi (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Urbanization in Southeast Asia, Routledge, 478-494. [Download PDF]
Lim, M. (2018). Roots, Routes, Routers: Communications and Media of Contemporary Social Movements (Journalism & Communication Monographs Series). [Download PDF]
Lim, M. (2018). Dis/Connecting: The co–evolution of socio–cultural and material infrastructures of the internet in Indonesia. Indonesia, 105(April): 155-172. [Download PDF]
Lim, M. (2018). Challenging technological utopianism. Canadian Journal of Communication, 43(3): 375-379. [Download PDF]
Mitchell, S.S.D. & Lim, M. (2018). Too Crowded for Crowdsourced Journalism: Reddit and Citizen Participation in the Syrian Crisis. Canadian Journal of Communication, 43(3): 399-419. [Download PDF]
Lim, M. (2018). Unveiling Saudi Feminism(s): Historicization, Heterogeneity, and Corporeality in the Women’s Movements. Canadian Journal of Communication, 43(3): 461-79. [Download PDF]
Lim, M. (2018). Sticks and Stones, Clicks and Phones: Contextualizing the Role of Digital Media in the Politics of Transformation, in C. Richter & C. Harders, & A. Antonakis-Nashif (eds.) Digital Media and the Politics of Transformation in the Arab World and Asia, Berlin: Springer VS, 9–34. [Download PDF]
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