Roots, Routes, Routers



I am excited to announce that Roots, Routes, Routers: Communications and Media of Contemporary Social Movements is out as a monograph, accompanied by commentary by wonderful colleagues and experts in media & social movements – Emiliano TrerĂ©, Orley DurĂĄn & Clemencia RodrĂ­guez, and MarĂ­a Paula MartĂ­nez.


or if you don’t have access to it, here is a PDF  version.
This monograph is an interdisciplinary analysis of the complexity of communications and media as they are embedded in the making and development of contemporary social movements, in three parts. The first part, Roots, provides a broad context for analyzing communications and media of contemporary social movements by tracing varied and multifaceted roots of the wave of global protests since 2010. The second part, Routes, maps out the routes that social movements take, trace how communications and media are entangled in these routes, and identify various key mechanisms occurring at various junctures of movements’ life cycles. The last part, Routers, explores roles of human and nonhuman, fixed and mobile, traditional and contemporary, digital and analog, permanent and temporal routers in the making and development of social movements. These analyses of roots, routes, and routers are mutually intertwined in broadening and deepening our understanding of the complexity of communications and media in contemporary social movements.

I dedicate this monograph to all burning, dissenting, moving, and vocal bodies in Tunisia, Egypt, Malaysia, and Hong Kong.

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2 responses to “Roots, Routes, Routers”

  1. numeroteca Avatar

    I am not able to download it. If you would send me a copy, it’d be great. Thanks!

    I saw it in an alert that notifies when an article cites PageOneX, the tool I develop. I am also interested in the complex contemporary media ecology where the social movements operate.

    1. mlim Avatar

      Noted. I’ll send you a private message.

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