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Social media
- Lim, M. 2022. Alternative Imaginations: Confronting and Challenging the Persistent Centrism in Social Media-Society Research. Journal of Asian Social Science Research, 4(1), 1-22.
- Sastramidjaja, Y., 2022. Cyber Troops, Online Manipulation of Public Opinion and Co-optation of Indonesiaâs Cybersphere. ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute.
- Lim, M. 2021. Rhythm & Algorithm of Us (English); Ritme & Algoritme Kebudayaan (Bahasa Indonesia), Pidato Kebudayaan (The Speech on Culture) DKJ, Dewan Kesenian Jakarta (Jakarta Arts Council), Ottawa-Jakarta, 10 November. PDF: (text in English and Indonesian). Video: (Indonesian with English subtitle).
- Sastramidjaja, Y.L. and Rasidi, P.P., 2021. The hashtag battle over Indonesiaâs omnibus law: From digital resistance to cyber-control. ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute.
- Tapsell, R., 2021. How Jokowi won the internet: Influencers, buzzers and reducing opposition voices online. Influence for hire: The AsiaâPacific’s online shadow economy, pp.33-42.
- Sastramidjaja, Y. and Rosli, A.A., 2021. Tracking the swelling COVID-19 vaccine chatter on TikTok in Indonesia. [PDF]
- Jurriëns, E., 2020. Indonesian Artivism: Layers of Performativity and Connectivity. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art, 20(2), pp.231-252.
- Slama, M. 2020. Imagining Indonesian Islam as a Center: New Mediations and Old Concepts of Power. Archiv OrientĂĄlnĂ, 273-300.
- Kailani, N. and Slama, M., 2020. Accelerating Islamic charities in Indonesia: zakat, sedekah and the immediacy of social media. South East Asia Research, 28(1), pp.70-86.
- Sastramidjaja, Y.L., 2020. Indonesia: Digital Communications Energising New Political Generation’s Campaign for Democracy. ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute.
- Hui, J.Y., 2020. Social Media and the 2019 Indonesian Elections. Southeast Asian Affairs, pp.155-172.
- Jurriëns, E., 2019. The Countryside in Indonesian Contemporary Art and Media: From Distant Horizons to Traversing Drones. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land-en volkenkunde/Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, 175(4), pp.446-473.
- Jurriens, E., 2019. Art, image and environment: revisualizing Bali in the Plastiliticum. Continuum, 33(1), pp.119-136.
- Jurriëns, E., 2019. Intertwined ecologies: Environmental aesthetics in Indonesian contemporary art. Third Text, 33(1), pp.59-77.
- Hui, J.Y., 2020. Social Media and the 2019 Indonesian Elections. Southeast Asian Affairs, pp.155-172.Lim, M. 2018. Dis/Connecting: The coâevolution of socioâcultural and material infrastructures of the internet in Indonesia. Indonesia, 105(April): 155-172. [PDF]
- Lindquist, J., 2018. Illicit economies of the internet: Click farming in Indonesia and beyond. Made in China Journal, 3(4), pp.88-91.
- Nisa, E.F., 2018. Social media and the birth of an Islamic social movement: ODOJ (One Day One Juz) in contemporary Indonesia. Indonesia and the Malay world, 46(134), pp.24-43.
- Slama, M., 2018. Practising Islam through social media in Indonesia. Indonesia and the Malay World, 46(134), pp.1-4.
- Husein, F. and Slama, M., 2018. Online piety and its discontent: revisiting Islamic anxieties on Indonesian social media. Indonesia and the Malay World, 46(134), pp.80-93.
- Lim, M. 2017. Freedom to Hate: Social Media, Algorithmic Enclaves, and the Rise of Tribal Nationalism in Indonesia. Critical Asian Studies. 49(3): 411-427. [PDF]
- Slama, M., 2017. A subtle economy of time: Social media and the transformation of Indonesia’s Islamic preacher economy. Economic Anthropology, 4(1), pp.94-106.
- Jurriëns, E., 2017. Visual media in Indonesia: Video vanguard (Vol. 85). Taylor & Francis.
- Jurriëns, Edwin, and Ross Tapsell, eds. Digital Indonesia: connectivity and divergence. ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, 2017.
- Tapsell, R., 2017. Media power in Indonesia: Oligarchs, citizens and the digital revolution. Rowman & Littlefield.
- Jurriëns, E., 2016. Intimate video? Creative bodies in the age of the selfie. Continuum, 30(1), pp.1-19.
- Johansson, A.C., 2016. Social media and politics in Indonesia. Stockholm School of Economics Asia Working Paper, 42(2).
- Tapsell, R., 2015. Indonesia’s media oligarchy and the âJokowi phenomenonâ. Indonesia, (99), pp.29-50.
- Tapsell, Ross. “Platform convergence in Indonesia: Challenges and opportunities for media freedom.” Convergence 21, no. 2 (2015): 182-197.
- Molaei, H., 2015. Discursive opportunity structure and the contribution of social media to the success of social movements in Indonesia. Information, Communication & Society, 18(1), pp.94-108.
- Gazali, E., 2014. Learning by clicking: An experiment with social media democracy in Indonesia. International Communication Gazette, 76(4-5), pp.425-439.
- Lim, M. 2013. Many Clicks but Little Sticks: Social Media Activism in Indonesia, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 43(4): 636â657. [PDF] Translated into Indonesian and republished as: Lim, M. (2015) Klik yang Tak Memantik: Aktivisme Media Sosial di Indonesia, Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia, 3(1). [PDF] Reprinted in: Shah, N. et al. (2015) Digital Activism in Asia Reader, Leuphana University of Luneburg, Germany: Meson Press, 127â154.
- Lim, M. 2013. The Internet and Everyday Life in Indonesia: New Moral Panics? Bijdragen tot de Taalâ, Landâ en Volkenkunde (BKI) / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania, 169(1): 133â147.â12340008. [PDF]
- Lim, M. 2012. Life is Local in the Imagined Global Community: Islam and Politics in the Indonesian Blogosphere, Journal of Media and Religion, 11(3): 127â140. [PDF]
The Internet, pre-social media
- JurriĂ«ns, E., 2013. BETWEEN UTOPIA AND REAL WORLD: Indonesia’s avant-garde new media art. Indonesia and the Malay World, 41(119), pp.48-75.
- Lim, M. 2011. Islamism in Indonesia and Its Middle Eastern Connections, The Middle East Review of International Affairs, 15(02, June.
- Lim, M. 2006. CyberâUrban Activism and Political Change in Indonesia, Eastbound, 1(1): 1â19. [PDF]
- Lim, M. 2005. Radicalism and Anti Americanism in Indonesia: The Role of the Internet, Washington DC/Honolulu: East West Center (Policy Studies Series). [PDF]
- Lim, M. 2008. Bundling MetaâNarratives on the Internet: Conflict in Maluku in S. Tekwani (ed.), Media and Conflict Reporting in Asia, Singapore: Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC), 170â198. [PDF]
- Lim, M. 2008. Lost in Transition: The Internet and Reformasi in Indonesia, in J. Dean, J. Anderson, and G. Lovink. (eds.), Reformatting Politics: Information Technology and Global Civil Society, New York NY: Routledge, 85â106. [PDF]
- Barendregt, B., 2008. Sex, cannibals, and the language of cool: Indonesian tales of the phone and modernity. The Information Society, 24(3), pp.160-170.
- Barendregt, B., 2006, November. Between m-governance and mobile anarchies: Pornoaksi and the fear of new media in present day Indonesia. In Paper, e-Seminar (Vol. 14).
- Lim, M. 2004. The Polarization of Identity through the Internet and the Struggle for Democracy in Indonesia, Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de Communication, 14(3â4), 18p.
- Lim, M. 2004. Informational Terrains of Identity and Political Power: The Internet in Indonesia, Indonesian Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology, 27(73): 1-11. [PDF] Translated to Indonesian and republished as: Lim, M. (2014), Internet dan Kekuasaan Politik di Indonesia, in AE Priyono & Usman Hamid (eds.) Merancang Arah Baru Demokrasi: Indonesia Pasca Reformasi, Jakarta: Kompas Gramedia, 703â720.
- Lim, M. 2003. From Warânet to NetâWar: The Internet and Resistance Identities in Indonesia, International Information & Library Review, 35(2â4): 233â248.â2317(03)00019â5 [PDF]
- Lim, M. 2003. The Internet, Social Network and Reform in Indonesia, in N. Couldry and J. Curran (eds.), Contesting Media Power: Alternative Media in A Networked World, Lanham MA: Rowan & Littlefield, 273â288. [PDF]
- Lim, M. 2003. From Real to Virtual (and back again): Civil Society, Public Sphere, and Internet in Indonesia in K.C. Ho, R. Kluver, & C.C. Yang. (eds.), Asia.Com: Asia Encounters The Internet, London: Routledge, 113â128. [PDF]
- Lim, M. 2002. From Walking City to Telematic Metropolis: Changing Urban Form in Bandung Indonesia, in T. Bunnell, L.B.W. Drummond & K.C. Ho (eds.), Critical Reflections on Cities in Southeast Asia, Singapore: Brill Academic Publisher & Times Academic Press, 75â100. [PDF]
- Lim, M. 2002. CyberCivic Space in Indonesia: From Panopticon to Pandemonium? International Development Planning Review, 24(4): 383â400. [PDF]
- Barendregt, B. and Van Zanten, W., 2002. Popular music in Indonesia since 1998, in particular fusion, indie and Islamic music on video compact discs and the internet. Yearbook for traditional music, 34, pp.67-114.
Beyond but including Indonesia (e.g. comparison, Southeast Asia) + some conceptual/theoretical essays
- Lim, M. 2023. From activist media to algorithmic politics: The Internet, Social Media & Civil Society in Southeast Asia, in E. Hansson & M. Weiss (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Civil and Uncivil Society in Southeast Asia (pp. 25-44). New York & London: Routledge. [PDF].
- Ong, J.C. and Tapsell, R., 2022. Demystifying disinformation shadow economies: fake news work models in Indonesia and the Philippines. Asian Journal of Communication, 32(3), pp.251-267.
- Slama, M. and Hoesterey, J.B., 2021. Ambivalence, Discontent, and Divides in Southeast Asia’s Islamic Digital Realms: An Introduction. CyberOrient, 15(1), pp.5-32.
- Barendregt, B., 2021. Digital ethnography, or âdeep hanging outâin the age of big data. Audiovisual and Digital Ethnography, pp.168-190.
- Grasseni, C., Barendregt, B., de Maaker, E., De Musso, F., Littlejohn, A., Maeckelbergh, M., Postma, M. and Westmoreland, M.R., 2021. Audiovisual and digital ethnography: a practical and theoretical guide. Routledge.
- Tapsell, R., 2021. Social media and elections in Southeast Asia: The emergence of subversive, underground campaigning. Asian Studies Review, 45(1), pp.117-134.
- Tapsell, R., 2021. Disinformation and cultural practice in Southeast Asia. Disinformation and fake news, pp.91-101.
- Lim, M. 2020. Algorithmic enclaves: Affective politics and algorithms in the neoliberal social media landscape. In M. Boler & E. Davis (eds.), Affective Politics of Digital Media: Propaganda by Other Means (pp. 186-203). New York & London: Routledge. [PDF]
- Lim, M. 2020. The politics and perils of dis/connection in the Global South (Crosscurrent: The Limits and Boundaries of Digital Disconnection). Media, Culture & Society. [PDF]
- Sinpeng, A. and Tapsell, R. eds., 2020. From grassroots activism to disinformation: Social media in Southeast Asia. ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute.
- Barendregt, B., 2020. Digital Futures and Its Discontent. Digital Anthropology, p.64.
- Barendregt, B. and Schneider, F., 2020. Digital activism in Asia: Good, bad, and banal politics online. Asiascape: Digital Asia, 7(1-2), pp.5-19.
- Tapsell, R., 2020. Deepening the understanding of social mediaâs impact in Southeast Asia (No. 4). ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute.
- Lim, M. 2019. Disciplining Dissent:Freedom, Control, and Digital Activism in Southeast Asia, in R. Padawangi (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Urbanization in Southeast Asia, Routledge, 478-494. [PDF]
- Tapsell, R., 2019. Combating Fake News in Southeast Asia. ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute.
- Slama, M. and Barendregt, B., 2018. Introduction: Online publics in Muslim Southeast Asia: In between religious politics and popular pious practices. Asiascape: Digital Asia, 5(1-2), pp.3-31.
- Lim, M. 2015. A CyberâUrban Space Odyssey: The Spatiality of Contemporary Social Movements. New Geographies, 07: 117â123. [PDF]
- Lim, M. 2014. Seeing Spatially: People, Networks and Movements in Digital and Urban Spaces, International Development Planning Review, 36(1): 51â72. [PDF] A shorter version is translated into Indonesian and republished as: Lim, M. (2015) Media Baru, Meninjau Ruang Masyarakat, Jejaring dan Gerakan dalam Ruang Urban Digital, Etnohistori,âbaruâmeninjauâruangâmasyarakatâjejaringâdanâgerakanâdalamâruangâurbanâdigitalâmerlynaâlim.html.
- Tapsell, R., 2014. Digital media in Indonesia and Malaysia: Convergence and conglomeration. Asiascape: Digital Asia, 1(3), pp.201-222.
- Lim, M. 2009. Global Muslim Blogosphere: Mosaics of GlobalâLocal Discourses, in M. McLelland and G. Goggin (eds.) Internationalizing Internet Studies: Beyond Anglophone Paradigms, London: Routledge, 178â195. [PDF]
- Barendregt, B.A., 2009. Mobility and the potential of Islamic techno nationalism. Living the information society in Asia. Singapore: ISEAS, pp.73-92.
- Barendregt, B. and Pertierra, R., 2008. 28 Supernatural Mobile Communication in the Philippines and Indonesia. Handbook of mobile communication studies, p.377.
- Barendregt, B., 2006. Cyber-nasyid: transnational soundscapes in Muslim Southeast Asia. In medi@ sia (pp. 170-187). Routledge.
Media Landscape
- Tapsell, R., 2020. 11 the media and democratic decline. Democracy in Indonesia: From Stagnation to Regression?, p.210.
- Lim, M. 2012. The League of Thirteen: Media Concentration in Indonesia, Participatory Lab & Ford Foundation, research report, open access. [PDF]
- Tapsell, R., 2012. Politics and the Press in Indonesia. Media Asia, 39(2), pp.109-116.
- Lim, M. 2011. @crossroads: Democratization and Corporatization of Media in Indonesia, Participatory Lab & Ford Foundation, research report, open access. [PDF]