Please be informed that the following corrections should be made in my monograph titled Social Media and Politics in Southeast Asia published by Cambridge University Press.
Print, PDF, and online versions:
Page 76, Section 5.3.2., paragraph #2, 2nd & 3rd sentences.
The word #SayaBersamaJokowi should be #ReformasiDikorupsi.
The word #Indonesiabutuhkerja should be #SayaBersamaKorupsi.
“During the 2019 #SayaBersamaJokowi #ReformasiDikorupsi youth movements, the administration utilized social media tactics against student protesters (Section 4.4). This included enlisting influencers to back the controversial bill and deploying buzzers to promote the opposing hashtag #Indonesiabutuhkerja #SayaBersamaJokowi against #ReformasiDikorupsi.”
Print and PDF versions (online version is correct)
Page 74, 1st and 3rd paragraphs.
2023 should be 2024.
1st paragraph: “This emerging method has been successfully adopted in recent elections in the Philippines and Indonesia in 2022 and 20232024.“
3rd paragraph: “The 20232024 Indonesian election Social Media and Politics in Southeast Asia reveals a parallel scenario as Prabowo…”
Disclaimer: These errors resulted solely from copyediting oversights. Although I clearly indicated the necessary revisions during the editing process, they were unfortunately not incorporated into the final published version. Nevertheless, I apologize for this inconvenience.