Lim, M. 2023. “Everything everywhere all at once”: Social Media, Algorithmic/Marketing Culture, and Activism in Southeast Asia. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 24(2): 181-190. [PDF].
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Lim, M. 2013. Many Clicks but Little Sticks: Social Media Activism in Indonesia, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 43(4): 636–657. [PDF] Translated into Indonesian and republished as: Lim, M. (2015) Klik yang Tak Memantik: Aktivisme Media Sosial di Indonesia, Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia, 3(1). [PDF] Reprinted in: Shah, N. et al. (2015) Digital Activism in Asia Reader, Leuphana University of Luneburg, Germany: Meson Press, 127–154.
Lim, M. 2013. The Internet and Everyday Life in Indonesia: New Moral Panics? Bijdragen tot de Taal–, Land– en Volkenkunde (BKI) / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania, 169(1): 133–147.–12340008. [PDF]
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Lim, M. 2006. Cyber–Urban Activism and Political Change in Indonesia, Eastbound, 1(1): 1–19. [PDF]
Lim, M. 2005. Radicalism and Anti Americanism in Indonesia: The Role of the Internet, Washington DC/Honolulu HI: East West Center (Policy Studies Series). [PDF]
Lim, M. 2004. The Polarization of Identity through the Internet and the Struggle for Democracy in Indonesia, Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de Communication, 14(3–4), 18p.
Lim, M. 2004. Informational Terrains of Identity and Political Power: The Internet in Indonesia, Indonesian Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology, 27(73): 1-11. [PDF] Translated to Indonesian and republished as: Lim, M. (2014), Internet dan Kekuasaan Politik di Indonesia, in AE Priyono & Usman Hamid (eds.) Merancang Arah Baru Demokrasi: Indonesia Pasca Reformasi, Jakarta: Kompas Gramedia, 703–720.
Lim, M. 2004. Indonesia: The ICT Infrastructure is the Central Issue in E–content Development, in O. Manzar, and P.E. Bruck. (eds.), e–Content: Voices from the Ground, New Delhi & Salzburg: DefIndia and WSA, 245–254. [PDF pending]
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Lim, M. 2002. From Walking City to Telematic Metropolis: Changing Urban Form in Bandung Indonesia, in T. Bunnell, L.B.W. Drummond & K.C. Ho (eds.), Critical Reflections on Cities in Southeast Asia, Singapore: Brill Academic Publisher & Times Academic Press, 75–100. [PDF]
Lim, M. 2003. From War–net to Net–War: The Internet and Resistance Identities in Indonesia, International Information & Library Review, 35(2–4): 233–248.–2317(03)00019–5 [PDF]
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Global context — with the inclusion of Southeast Asian cases
Lim, M. 2020. The politics and perils of dis/connection in the Global South (Crosscurrent: The Limits and Boundaries of Digital Disconnection). Media, Culture & Society. [PDF]
Lim, M. 2018. Roots, Routes, Routers: Communications and Media of Contemporary Social Movements (Journalism & Communication Monographs Series), Sage Publications. [PDF]
Lim, M. 2018. Sticks and Stones, Clicks and Phones: Contextualizing the Role of Digital Media in the Politics of Transformation, in C. Richter & C. Harders, & A. Antonakis-Nashif (eds.) Digital Media and the Politics of Transformation in the Arab World and Asia, Berlin: Springer VS, 9-34. [PDF]
Lim, M. 2014. Seeing Spatially: People, Networks and Movements in Digital and Urban Spaces, International Development Planning Review, 36(1): 51–72. [PDF]