Text of my speech for the Jakarta Arts Council’s “Pidato Kebudayaan” (“The Speech on Culture”) is available in both English and Indonesian, here:
Naskah Pidato Kebudayaan DKJ saya bisa diunduh di link tersebut.
Also, the talk itself, while delivered in Indonesian, now it has English subtitle;it’s way more rhythmical than a written version.
Kalau bisa bahasa Indonesia, menurutku sih mending dengar dulu baru baca, krn “rasa” & “ekspresi” penting, juga ritme-nya akan terasa di versi pidato lisan (bonus: ada musik + heureuy).
Though I am Indonesian, ironically, I wrote this text originally in English, then translated it into Indonesian “with a little help of my friend”, Google translator (I had to edit manually and heavily, but this friend helped a bit). Probably because I think, joke & dream in English (& ngocoblak tur heureuy ngangge basa Sunda)
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