Lim, M. (2024). Social Media and Politics in Southeast Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. electronic; print
Video abstract
click here for a complete list of publications
Lim, M. (2023). “Everything everywhere all at once”: Social Media, Algorithmic/Marketing Culture, and Activism in Southeast Asia. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 24(2): 181-190. [PDF] or [PDF]. A video of Lim’s “Q&A with Author” is available here.
Lim, M. (2023). From Activist Media to Algorithmic Politics: The Internet, social media, and civil society in Southeast Asia in E. Hansson & M. Weiss, Routledge Handbook of Civil and Uncivil Society in Southeast Asia. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 25-44.
Lim, M. (2022). Alternative Imaginations: Confronting and challenging the persistent centrism in social media-society research. Journal of Asian Social Science Research, 4(1), 1-22.
Lim, M. (2022). #Coronaconspiracy: Algorithms, Users, and Conspiracy Theories in Social Media. M/C Journal, 25(1).
Walking (and music) has been my constant through so much of life, a thread weaving me to my own survival. Without it (and music), I don’t think I’d endure. No matter the season—of weather or heart—walking never fails to bring me solace. This is a compilation of photos from my regular paths: the familiar journey from work to home, intertwined with the quieter, heavier steps from the hospital to work. It’s accompanied by a piano piece I played (and composed) spontaneously on one of my hardest days, a melody born from challenges and the need to keep moving forward.
MusicArt.ArtMusic – ELEGY
Painting: “Winter Elegy“, acrylic on canvas, by merlyna lim ©2023
Music: Elegy for Yesterday in A minor, composed by merlyna lim ©2023.